
Welcome to the 数字化实验室 at Alfred University, a state-of-the-art facility that serves as a creative and innovative hub for students, faculty and staff from both the 艺术与设计学院 and the Inamori School of Engineering. Our lab is equipped with a broad array of digital fabrication tools designed to support a wide range of projects and research endeavors.


From advanced 3D printers capable of handling various materials and techniques, to precision laser cutters, 多功能数控机床, and unique materials extrusion systems, we offer the tools necessary to bring any concept to reality. 另外, the lab includes sophisticated scanning and printing technology to facilitate detailed replication and customization of projects. 在这里, interdisciplinary collaboration flourishes, fostering an environment where art intersects with engineering, and imagination is limited only by the bounds of creativity.

  • Prusa MK3S+, FDM (x16)
  • Prusa MK3S+ with Multi Material Unit (MMU), FDM
  • Stratasys 170, FDM with soluble support
  • Stratasys 250MC, FDM with soluble support
  • FormLabs Form 3, SLA resin printer
  • Lutum 5M (x2), clay extrusion
  • Lutum 5XL,粘土挤压
  • PotterBot 10 PRO, clay extrusion
  • 'Epilog Fusion Pro 36, dual source. 100W CO2 laser, 50W fiber laser.
  • EZ路由器
  • Pensa D.I. Wire Pro, wire/tubing bender
  • AxiDraw V3, drawing machine
  • 3D Scanner, Artec Eva Lite
  • Decal Printer, Enduring Images/Ricoh
  • AxiDraw V3, 数控 drawing machine (x3)

digital lab ceramic satellite interior view with computers and printing equipment on desks
The 数字化实验室 Ceramic Satellite located in Harder Hall features four clay extrusion 3D printers, 贴花打印机, 和更多的.

数码实验室工作坊 & 研究院

每年夏天, Alfred University transforms its New York State valley campus into a dynamic center of learning and activity, hosting engineering and arts workshops, 高中学院, 运动营, 文化体验. This bustling hub attracts individuals from various backgrounds, offering them access to top-notch facilities and expert instruction. Participants leave with not only new skills and knowledge but also memorable experiences and lasting connections that enhance their lives well beyond the season.


3D Printing for Metal Casting Workshop
Introduction to 3D Printing for Metal Casting High School Institute

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graphic of a piece of paper with a magnifying glass over it


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Engineering and 艺术 related news at Alfred University